Current / upcoming projects:


I've recently had the first play I've written, 'Highly Strung', published by Lazy Bee Scripts. It's a short piece for two actors, and can be found here!

Acting / Singing:

Working with the Kernow Chamber Players in their upcoming operatic retelling of Richard III, performed as part of the
Ovo Roman Theatre Open Air Festival, in St Albans

A book signing and book talk tour for animal fable collection 'Winter Tails', with wife and co-author
Jackie Carreira - including me giving a reading on BBC Upload!


More poetry writing as #breakingbard (more available here), and further exploration of playwrighting and experimental
mixed media forms.


Exciting computer game projects are in the works for later this year - more news soon!

Guillermo / Hyper Rob, El Paso Grande, Mega Fox, and 'The Humiliator' in the Reynard City Chronicles comics.


Voicing the 'Deftly' crime series by Pauline Manders, in their upcoming audiobook releases.

Playing Age






Singing Voice


5'6" (158.4cms)

14st 3lbs

Brown & balding / shaved

Dark brown


Baritone with falsetto and strong belt (B2-C5)
Back in 2020, during the first UK Covid lockdown, a lot of us were having trouble sleeping.

I wrote this lullaby poem for my wife, as she finds me reading to her soporific.

I thought it might help others sleep, too, so it's being featured on BBC Upload after 6pm on the 12th October.

You can have a listen, below!

A Dream of Sleep (rptable) - AJ Deane.mp3

Professor Castor / Police Officer in radio play 'Dead Medieval Princess', by Barbara Jennings.
Performed for Theatrephonic in March 2022.
Henry in radio play 'Explorers', by Barbara Jennings.
Performed for Theatrephonic in October 2021.
'Disconnected', by Jamie Lakritz.
Performed for The Queens of Cups' 'New Moon Monologues', April 2021

About Me

Predominantly working in East Anglia and London, I am co-founder of QuirkHouse Theatre Company, and an actor, voice actor, director, singer, writer, and poet for hire. 

Like a gunslinger but less dangerous.


Both of my parents were drama and English teachers, who inspired in me a love of both language and performing - many aspects of which I have been involved with all my life. A classically-trained singer and long-term fan of grass-roots and regional theatre, I look for interesting, thought-provoking and philosophical pieces which pose more questions than they answer.

The legal bit: all photos or videos on this site are the property of AJ Deane or photographer Andy Abbott. Any copying or usage without permission is strictly prohibited.